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Manchester to lead in job creation up to 2023

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Manchester to lead in job creation up to 2023

Manchester is expected to lead in economic performance, particularly in job creation, into 2023 according to accountancy firm EY’s annual Regional Economic Forecast.

The city is expected to create over 25,000 new jobs in the next three years, a rise of 1.4%, with Manchester topping EY’s league table for job creation.

Manchester continues to see growth and success, leading the way and outpacing the regional and national picture. Liverpool is also predicted to go from strength to strength, doubling its average employment growth rate for the forecast period.

“We have huge opportunities across the North West; our professional, scientific and technical sectors are already buoyant, but with a consolidated approach to improving infrastructure and connectivity and capitalising on the benefits brought about through digital and technology, we can ensure that the region’s prosperity is enjoyed by all our towns, not just our major cities.”

This is fantastic news for Manchester, Salford and surrounding towns.

To understand the opportunity in the North West with regards to enhancing your career, get in touch with the team today.