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Temporary Staffing V Full Time Staffing

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Temporary Staffing V Full Time Staffing

​There are several reasons why a company might choose to hire temporary workers over full-time staff, here are just a few:

·         Flexibility: Temporary workers can be brought in to cover peak seasons or special projects when a company needs extra help. This allows the company to adjust staffing levels as needed without the long-term commitment of hiring permanent employees.

·         Cost savings: Hiring temporary workers can be less expensive than hiring full-time staff. Companies may avoid paying benefits such as health insurance, vacation time, and retirement plans. Additionally, temporary workers may be paid on an hourly or project basis rather than a salaried amount.

·         Specialized skills: Temporary workers may have specific skills or expertise that are needed for a short period of time. Rather than training full-time staff, hiring a temporary worker with the needed skills can be a more efficient use of resources.

·         Trial period: Hiring temporary workers allows a company to evaluate the worker's performance before making a long-term commitment to hiring them as full-time staff.

·         Reduced liability: Temporary workers are often employed by a staffing agency, which means the agency is responsible for issues such as worker's compensation and unemployment insurance. This can reduce the liability for the company that hires the temporary worker.

However, full-time staffing also has its advantages, such as:

·         Consistency: Full-time employees offer a level of consistency that temporary employees may not. They can become more familiar with the organization's operations and culture, which can improve overall performance and productivity.

·         Loyalty: Full-time employees are more likely to feel a sense of loyalty to the organization, which can lead to better job performance and a lower turnover rate.

·         Skill development: Full-time employees have more opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge through training and development programs, which can benefit both the employee and the organization

In summary, both temporary staffing and full-time staffing have their pros and cons, and the decision on which option to choose should be based on the organisation's specific needs and circumstances.

We provide both permanent and temporary staffing solutions, so call today on 0161 238 9770 to discuss your options.